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Conversational commerce at it's best. Our integrated retail solutions augment the best talent on earth. Passionately skilled people instantly elevate your brand experience and cultivate brand culture online.
Luxlock's humanistic approach to commerce provides authentic connection, seeking to genuinely serve customers. We don't follow purely commercial logic alone, because the luxury industry is derived from emotion and a sense of belonging.
Personal shopping departments have outperformed every division of commerce for 200 years. Useability and scalability were always a challenge until now. Catapult bottom-line performance with Luxlock.
Pop some top-line numbers into our calculator to see how we can drive incremental revenue.
D2C Digital-First Infrastructure
Enterprise Direct to Consumer (D2C) retail API-infrastructure designed to propel premium brands into a digital-first consumer-centric operating model. Our consumer B2B ecosystem architecture allows brands to move the needle with current customers and handle rapidly changing customer expectations.
Consumer SSO Business Applications
Concentrated on consumer relationship and service management we impart individuality to curate experiences for each unique consumer and respond appropriately. Our collective intelligence generates contextualized data for hypersegmented personalized lifestyle experiences. Our consumer SSO encompasses multi-level user permissions and data privacy protocols that exceed global Pii and GDPR compliance requirements.
Dual Acquisition Strategy
Commerce Curators digitize their physical books to drive intentional bottom-funnel traffic to your site by way of established relationships. Optimize CAC by driving top of funnel traffic into our live selling environment for higher conversion. Throttle engagement velocity of qualified customers by tapping into our network effects ecosystem.
Our business intelligence provides integrated retail analytics and a visual reporting suite which provides immediate access to critical product and consumer insights. Business Managers, Marketing Directors, and Merchandise Planners have valuable insights into each category of the business on the consumer-level.
Measure product performance against consumer demographics and preferences to better understand customer likes and wardrobe needs for seasonal forecasts based on consumer data vs. wholesale sell-thru. Drill-down and roll-up on a native 4-5-4 calendar.
Live personal shopping experiences increase cart value and loyalty.
Provide support through the selection and decision making process.
Guided shopping experiences convert higher than self-serve .
Grouped and outfitted recommendations increase consumer value.
Relationships improve customer frequency and build authentic loyalty.